Parking in Inwalidów Wojennych Square in Oliwa Park is crowded regardless of the season.  There are two reasons: the great location and the fact that parking is free.  If the city agrees to the idea of ​​the members of the Oliwa Council, you will soon have to pay there, which is to force the car to turn.

Parking in Inwalidów Wojennych Square in Oliwa Park is crowded regardless of the season. There are two reasons: the great location and the fact that parking is free. If the city agrees to the idea of ​​the members of the Oliwa Council, you will soon have to pay there, which is to force the car to turn.

Photo: Piotr Hukało /

Oliwa council members intend to ask city authorities to charge parking fees at two free and then crowded parking lots in Oliwa. It is a car park in Plac Inwalidów Wojennych na water. Abbot Jacek Rybinskya map And a car park at the back of the House of Plague in water. Cisterciana map. Decisions in this regard were issued unanimously by council members in last week’s session of the district council.

Both parking lots are currently free and therefore crowded from morning to evening. Anyone who has tried to find a free place there at least once finds out – often only possible when another driver leaves the parking lot.

The problem is exacerbated in the summer – when the tourism movement grows, but also in the winter, When Oliwa Park is lit up with Christmas lights.

The problem is that The car parks in Cystersów and Plac Inwalidów Wojennych are located outside the road laneWhich means they cannot be subject to charges within the applicable paid parking area in Oliwa.

In other words – in order to be able to collect fees there, officials will have to convert them into paid parking lots that operate on a similar basis to seasonal parking lots on the beaches of the coastal belt.

And this is exactly the plan of the consultants in Oliwa.

Although both car parks are located within the paid parking area in Oliwa, there is no charge, as they are located off the driveway.

Although both car parks are located within the paid parking area in Oliwa, there is no charge, as they are located off the driveway.


– The above-mentioned car parks have ceased to perform their intended functions, i.e. accidental parking for tourists visiting Oliwa Park or Oliwa Cathedral – admits Tomas StrugChairman of the Oliwa District Council. – People in Oliwa Park work there most often, and they leave the car there all day. Parking also happens to be a Park & ​​Ride car park, and people who leave their cars there for free go to the tram or even queue. SKM. As councilors and residents of the area, we notice this every day, so we want to apply to the city to start fees there, which mandates the necessary rotation of vehicles.

Work on the new plan has been in progress since the spring

Let us remind you that in the spring the members of the city council decided to proceed with the preparation of the local spatial development plan for Plac Inwalidów Wojennych, which means that in the future the parking lot will cease to exist there anyway. Before this happens, however, some time will pass – officials usually need 1.5-2 years to adopt the plan. So a possible charge could be charged until the car park is closed, as a new space will be created with catering and services.

We want the city to deal with it as quickly as possible. We do not indicate how much parking rates at this location, or who and on what terms the parking operator will be. You can certainly think of a quarter or two free for drivers who, after getting a parking ticket, would like to park there only for a short time and deal with some matter, for example at the post office. But we leave the final decisions on this matter to the city authorities. We hope that the application of the fee will close the paid parking area and cause a rotation of the car parks, which will allow more people to use them, Strug adds.

Paid parking, but with exceptions

The draft resolution prepared by the district council also contained a reservation that the contract with the potential parking operator should include the possibility of temporary and free use of the plaza for integration purposes, neighborhood festivals and other celebrations.

The decisions were passed unanimously at last week’s session of the county council, which was formal Goal The visit begins with the possibility of introducing fees in the parking lots. This week, letters on this topic will be sent to the Gdansk Road and Green Space Authority. If the officials share the opinion of the advisors from Oliwa, this parking fee will be paid.

Parking for an hour in a parking space under the SPP in Oliwa costs drivers 3.90 PLN. The second is 4.60 zlotys, the third – 5.50 zlotys, the fourth and later – 3.90 zlotys. It is easy to calculate that drivers who leave their car in one of the above two parking spaces within eight hours save about PLN 33 each day. Weekly already more than 160 PLN, and monthly about 640 PLN.