Stefan Kowalek is a man of the liberal establishment, representing an environment that, whoever he is, certainly does not vote for PiS or the widely understood right. In the past, it was most likely close to the Democratic Union, then the Freedom Union, and then most likely the Civic Tribune.
However, Kawalec is such a serious and respected economist that he allows himself the luxury of having his own opinion. He does not sing in the choir. He does not succumb to the instinct of the herd. He believes that Poland should be in the European Union and that it is a civilized choice, but this does not mean automatic entry into the eurozone.
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In an interview with EuroActiv, Kawalec does not discover America, but rather asserts that the Earth is spherical, after Monday it is Tuesday, after spring it is summer, etc.
He says directly that he is opposed to Poland’s entry into the “eurozone” – and yet he is not at all a pro-European nor even a Euroskeptic. Perhaps it is only in this matter that refutes European realism.
It rightly underscores something that somehow escapes from the so-called “politicized” debate about the euro in our country – that is, the fact that being part of the “eurozone” does not translate into the political position of a particular country.
This is “obviously obvious”. Take, for example, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the time when London was still in the European Union. Or Sweden’s current position. Exminister Stefan Kawalec argues that the political power of a particular state depends on whether or not it has any room for maneuver. And the fact that you have your own currency makes more room for maneuver.
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The lack of currency – that is, the possibility of a flexible approach, for example, to an economic, financial or banking crisis – significantly weakens a particular country. In short: we do not have the eurozone, we have more tools to respond to crisis situations than if we did not have zlotys and had to sing in the euro choir, which would significantly limit the possibilities of our reaction.
In short: for economic reasons, it is not worth adopting the single currency euro. Because you cannot turn your back on common sense and economic principles. And your currency is a kind of “shock absorber” for the national economy, especially when it is in crisis …
I support the opinion of this famous economist.