According to the gate severe weather europeThe hottest summer temperatures await us in the coming weeks. In southern Europe, thermometers will show between 40 and 45 degrees.

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Later this week, southern Europe will be engulfed by a heat wave

According to the forecasts of weather forecasters, the strongest heat wave this year will appear in the Mediterranean region and the Balkan Peninsula in early July and August and will last for at least a week. The temperature is expected to rise to 40 degrees and in some places reach 45 degrees. As the portal mentioned, the air will be dry during this time, which will increase the potential for fires and droughts. Desert dust can also be blown with warm air.

Italy, Serbia, North Macedonia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece are the countries that will feel the heat wave the most, but the British and Irish will also be on hot days. There will appear thermometers 30 degrees. Not only the air, but also the waters of the Atlantic Ocean around Britain and Ireland are about two to four degrees warmer than usual at the end of July.

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Will next week in Poland be hot?

Synoptics from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management predict that there will be storms and rain across the country on Wednesday, and thermometers in the south and center will sometimes show up to 31 degrees, while it will be slightly cooler on the seashore and in the west from 24 to 27 degrees. Similar weather is expected tomorrow, Thursday, with a number of lightning strikes in several regions and temperatures ranging between 26 and 31 degrees Celsius. It will be hotter in the south.

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“Friday, there will be a change in the weather related to the movement of the cold front, which will result in severe storms and heavy rain in special places in the south of the country. In the southeast, the weather is still hot and sometimes rising.” to 31 degrees, in the remaining zone from 24 to 28 degrees ”- we read in the IMGW version. The weekend will be a little cooler, the maximum temperature in the north will range from 21 to 23 degrees in the north and from 26 to 28 degrees in the south.

According to forecasts of meteorologists from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, from August 1 to 8 the heat will leave Poland and it will get colder – the temperature will drop to about 20 degrees. However, later the heat will return to the country again.