Once there are conditions for opening schools more boldly, we will do everything possible and make bold decisions so that children return to school as soon as possible and learning is as stable as possible – Health Minister Adam Niedzelski said Wednesday.

Nidzelski was asked via TOK FM about reports that AstraZeneca will reduce the expected batch of vaccines deliveries in the second quarter of the year to European Union countries.

“Unfortunately, this does not mean that AstraZeneca will have a problem, we will only have a problem in the first place and this is another piece of information that unfortunately concerns AstraZeneca, which does not keep its commitments,” – said Niedzielski.

He recalled that the initial announcement in 2020 stated that the first vaccine deliveries would be 5 million doses, and in the first half of the year we had to receive 16 million doses.

“This means that we will not be able to achieve such a rapid pace that would satisfy us, but nevertheless, while we announce more than 3 million (vaccines), according to Minister Mikhao Durkzyk this (…) we will of course achieve this number and achieve it soon , But we will not be able to significantly accelerate, and AstraZeneca has given such an opportunity to significantly accelerate the vaccination campaign, ”- confirmed the head of the Ministry of Health.

Niedzelski also said that the government “will do everything and make bold decisions to ensure that children return to school as soon as possible. He noted that the lack of attendance of children normally in school has led to a deterioration in their mental health.”

He did not rule out the scenario of children returning to full-time education before the end of the school year. “Once conditions become possible to open these schools boldly, we will very quickly return to the fact that learning is as stable as possible,” said Niedzielski.

When asked when the group of people between the ages of 65 and 70 will be vaccinated, he replied that the only vaccine that can be “freely available” at the moment, meaning that his supplies have not been scheduled at the vaccination points, is the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“AstraZeneca is approved up to 65 years old, but there is discussion in the medical board to increase this approval (…) raising that age limit to 70. And then, once this decision is made, we will be this group of 65 – 70 vaccinated.” – He stressed.

He added that if there is a positive opinion of experts and scholars, the 65-70 group may be transferred to the uniformed services group. Niedzelsky added that the regular forces will be vaccinated from March 20, and a group of elderly people will enter this place. The decision should be known within a week.

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