The exhibition “Impotence” by Dorota Sack of Lodz opens online on the YouTube channel and on Facebook Ła onnia: Friday, 23 April. You can watch it there.

As Agnieszka Sieradzka – Miernik from Łaźnia said, this is another exhibition in the series: “Studios – Confrontations”, the main premise of which is to study the dependencies and relationships of the artists presented.

– In this year’s edition, we introduce two creative women: Hanna and Grandmothers – Markowska and Dorota Sack, female artists with 30 years of creative work. And their acquaintance began while studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in ód – Agnieszka Sieradzka-Miernik explained. In the first part of the exhibition, we invite you to see the Dorota Sac exhibition.

The exhibition “Impotence”, organized at the aźnia Gallery in Radom, presents the work of Dorota Sack. Dorota Sack, professor at the Wadysław Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in ód ،, has worked at his university since 1990. He runs a fashion design studio there.

The exhibition was scheduled to open in agoaźnia a year ago. Due to the epidemic, it was postponed for a year. This is why she has now taken on a different dimension, as Dorota Sach tells about her.

The main element of the exhibition is the large painting “Stardust”, which opens a new chapter in the author’s work. The widely understood topic of human impotence becomes the dominant theme of its activities. The starting point for creating the object was an image drawn in early 2020 and 2021 – two years of a pandemic that shook the human condition.

The author multiplied her own image and printed it on canvas, thus creating a plane – a backdrop of 100 hands blending into abstract space.

Hanging somewhere in the cosmic realm, we struggle with everyday problems related to human existence. We move in search of “better”, “new”, surrendering to an elastic identity.

We challenge the current rules, and create artificial intelligence, which we are slowly falling into. The great cosmic space absorbs us imperceptibly.

At the exhibition, the author also presented the movie “My Story”, which was mainly created by the Movie Creator app, and which I discovered by chance on her smartphone.

The movie was shot before the author realizes how the app works. Hence, its creator is largely artificial intelligence. Even the title was chosen at random.

Dorota Sak accepted the application procedures, she only changed the music.

– The pixel in the image while changing the frame confirms the changes that we are going through as humanity in the direction in which we are heading. The natural shape is still returning, but are we slowly becoming a tidy square brown? The artist asked.

Printed fabric instructions were created by cascading filtering in Stardust object computer programs. The repetitive hand shape forms the shape of the hand. The expression and the size of the display give it a monumental character and underline the message of the painting.

In the gallery, you can see objects created in 2021 as well as paintings from periods prior to the author’s work, including. Panels from the cycles: “Rhythms of Time”, “Synapses”, “Gardens”, “Herd” and “Horizontal Pictures”.

Hanna Wojdała-Markowska also talked about the work of Dorota Sak, who will hold the exhibition of works in this series in October.
