On Monday, they started in Agadir, Morocco The largest US military exercises in Africa, “African Lion 2022”, about 7.5 thousand participants. Soldiers from 13 countries, including France, Italy, the Netherlands, Great Britain and Brazil.

The military command of NATO is also participating in the exercises – the US Africa Command reported on its website AFRICOM.

Poland, in turn, is accredited as an observer Watch the maneuvers.

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The goal of the “African Lion” isStrengthening the interaction of US forces with partner countries and organizations in the region To reduce instability, conduct peacekeeping operations, oppose extremist groups, maintain border security, and counter cross-border threats.”

The presence of US forces in Morocco near the border with Western Sahara It is interpreted as support for Rabat, granted again since former US President Donald Trump recognized Moroccan sovereignty over the former Spanish colony in December 2020.

The United States has confirmed many times The importance of relations with MoroccoEmphasizing its role in the stability of the region.

The United States and Rabat signed a 10-year military cooperation agreement in October 2020, since then Every year, Morocco participates in more than 100 cooperation programs with the US military.

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And Spanish media had indicated that Madrid would not participate again in the exercises. This year, due to the crisis in relations with Algeria caused by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s “unilateral” recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over the former Spanish colony – Western Sahara.

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Training maneuvers The events of the movie “The African Lion” take place in a desert climate and very high temperatures. The exercises will also continue until June 30 in Senegal, Ghana and Tunisia.