Archbishop of Milwaukee (United States of AmericaJerome Listikki recently sent a note to the members of the conference bishops United States Catholic (USCCB). In the letter, the clergyman wrote that the Ecclesiastical Committee for Affairs and Governance Kocioem The American Episcopalian was to be informed recently cases Admission to a seminary or training house for the Institute of Life devoted to “a woman who pretends to be a man” [poprawnym określeniem jest transmężczyzna, czyli mężczyzna, któremu po urodzeniu błędnie oznaczono płeć jako żeńską – red.] Learn from the site catholic information agency.

United States of America. Among the requirements for seminarians are DNA tests?

As Archbishop Lystiki pointed out, in one case, a person obtained “confidential documents to reflect their new identity.” “In all cases, the medical or psychological records of these people did not indicate any appropriate treatment or operations,” he wrote. He also stressed that none of the “biologically female” academies were ordained.

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The archbishop said the Committee on Ecclesiastical Affairs and Church Governance had prompted him to send notes to bishops so that they could “be especially vigilant in the new year for the formation of theology.” He also stated that it was necessary for the bishops of the diocese to admit into the higher institutes only men who, as he described them, “possess the requisite physical and mental qualities.” In his opinion, the bishop “may require various measures to establish moral certainty in this respect”.

Some members of the Ecclesiastical Affairs and Church Governance Committee have suggested that bishops might consider asking seminarians to test DNA Or a certificate from a medical expert to “make sure you’re a male.”

Scotland.  Teachers should not question the nature of transgender studentsScotland. Teachers should not question the transgender nature of their students

According to the Code of Canon Law, Canon 1024 states that “only baptized men shall be properly ordained.” Anyone who willfully attempts to do so by act alone is canonically excommunicated.

You can hear about trans in the “Being yourself – let’s talk about trans” discussion. It was performed during the Pol’and’Rock Festival in 2019 and is available On the Ombudsman’s website.