Neel Neterinary Hospital reported the birth of an unusual puppy on its Facebook page. Pictures of a female named Skipper have also been released. As doctors guessed, the puppy lived longer than any other dog with this combination of defects.
Puppy It has one head and one chest, but has a urinary tract, two reproductive systems, two tails, and six feet. The dog also has symptoms of spina bifida. The hospital said the Skipper members were in very good condition. The puppy eats and takes care of itself while he’s in full power. Doctors are full of hope in her healthy growth.
“All her legs move and respond to stimuli like a normal puppy. She will likely need physical therapy and mobility aids as she gets older. We will continue to investigate her condition, monitor her development during the re-examination, and help the Skipper live the rest of her life without pain.” Now he is doing well at home, “we read in a post shared on the Neil Veterinary Hospital’s Facebook profile.
Almost 2,000 people appeared under the post made available by the veterinary hospital. Comments. Internet users liked the desire to live Puppy And they announce their intention to adopt. “I don’t care what other people say. I live in Houston and they are happy to adopt this puppy,” we read in the comments. “I pray for this little sweetheart” – writes an Internet user.