The UK’s Environmental Protection Agency has to pay nearly £1m to a private company to bring in 1,500 tonnes of rubbish that ended up illegally in Poland in 2017-2018. The bill will be covered by the British taxpayer – BBC reports.

So far, it is not known who transported the waste and no one has been prosecuted in this case. In 2018-2019, the UK’s Environment Department found that waste crime, including dumping, illegal landfilling and illegal exports of waste abroad, cost the UK economy £924m.

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Greenpeace report: UK plastic waste is flooding Europe. They also go to Poland

A Greenpeace report last year revealed that Poland is the third largest recipient of plastic waste in the UK, Receipt of 38 thousand tons, or 7 per cent. Total exports. The largest recipients were Turkey (210 thousand tons) and Malaysia (65 thousand tons).

The organization also notes that in terms of the amount of plastic waste generated per capita, Great Britain ranks second in the world after the United States. According to his reports, in 2018, the estimated amount of plastic waste generated in Great Britain amounted to 5.2 million tons. But the amount of waste exported – 688 million tons in 2020 – far exceeds the amount recycled locally – 486 million tons.

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Greenpeace UK’s Nina Shrank said: “It’s scary to see plastic from British store shelves end up 3,000km away in blazing piles on the side of Turkish roads.” She added that overproduction is the source of the problem and demanded that the government ban the export of plastic waste and cut the production of single-use plastics by 50%. by 2025

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Source: BBC / Greenpeace
