Former Prime Minister A. Hana Suchuka received an honorary doctorate from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun on Friday. She received the award during the opening of the 2021/2022 academic year at Toruń University.

Suchuka (born 1946) In 1992, as the first woman in the history of Poland, she became the head of the Council of Ministers. It premiered from July 10, 1992 to October 26, 1993. In her political career, she was also the Minister of Justice and Attorney General (October 31, 1997–June 8, 2000). He is a world-renowned lawyer associated with Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna. There in 1975 she received her doctorate in law and in 2015 she obtained her qualification.

“Professor Suchowka is first and foremost a great and constitutional lawyer. She is a person who knows the law, knows how to apply it, knows how to interpret it. In addition, she wants to apply it according to the standards of democracy. The state. Her biography is full of academic successes in Poland and abroad. I would like to remind you that she Doctor Honorary Quartet. In addition, she was the first woman in the history of the Republic of Poland as Prime Minister. The government worked briefly, but achieved great successes, including the imposition of democratic reform of local government, “Prof. Zbigniew Witkowski, who gave the tribute.

Suchuka was awarded the Order of the White Eagle in 2014. On Friday, in the auditorium of Nicolas Copernicus University, she gave an inaugural lecture on the new academic year titled “The Evolution of the Concept of Constitutional Identity.”

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“It’s a very touching moment for me. I don’t know if I deserve this distinction, but it’s clearly recognized as such. Therefore, it’s a really great day for me” – confirmed Suchoka in an interview with reporters.

Dean of Nicholas Copernicus University Prof. Andre Sokala told reporters before the opening of the next school year that his dream was that education could take place from start to finish in a traditional form.

“I hope it will be a normal school year – unlike the year we said goodbye yesterday. We start our education the traditional way. Students return to lecture halls, laboratories and classrooms. Of course, we have backup scenarios. We are richer with last year’s experience and we will definitely come true. My dream is that we can teach Throughout the entire school year as before, ”- said the professor. Socal.

PAP – Science in Poland, Tomasz Więcławski

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