In October 2020, three British doctors shared with us their devastating personal experiences related to the bizarre and disabling symptoms of COVID-19.
Months after the initial infection, they continued to experience persistent “COVID” symptoms.
We bring their stories back to you because it’s Science Friction’s Next EpisodeAlmost every year, Natasha reaches out while British Prime Minister Boris Johnson controversially lifts all pandemic restrictions in England.
What they will say about what happened in their lives will surprise and shock you.
A warning story also for Australia as we struggle with a dangerous outbreak of the coronavirus variant in the Delta.
Long-term Covid disease does not discriminate. healthy people. small. Those who appear to have a mild case of COVID-19.
Are we dealing with another epidemic… which is quiet, confusing, and difficult to diagnose? Are vaccinations helpful?
Dr. Ian Fraling
Consultation with a geneticist
President of the Society of Clinical Pathologists
St Mark’s Hospital, Lundin E St Vincent Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Wales, Great Britain
Dr. Natalie McDermott
Pediatric infectious disease doctor
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children
Clinical Academic Lecturer at the National Institute of Human Rights in Pediatrics (Infectious Diseases)
King’s College London
United kingdom
Dr. Amy Small
Edinburgh, Scotland
more information:
From Doctors as Patients: A Statement on Persistent Symptoms of COVID-19 (September 15, 2020)
Why should we continue to use the term ‘Long Covid’ for a patient (October 1, 2020)
COVID-19 Political Support Group
Long aircraft carriers na nowo definiuje COVID-19 (Ed Yong, The Atlantic, 2020)