As long as gas does not start flowing through Nord Stream 2, this project should be combated, said Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, PiS MEP on Tuesday. In his assessment, Nord Stream 2 is hurting Europe, but also the transatlantic community.

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As long as gas does not start flowing through Nord Stream 2, this project must be combated. Information from both sides (Germany and the United States – PAP) shows that Germany expects, and the US administration is looking for a solution to avoid Nord Stream being punished by German entities.

– Said MEP on Polish Radio 24.

Poland, Ukraine, the Baltic states, and the United States of America strongly oppose the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Critics of Nord Stream 2 suggest that the project will increase Europe’s dependence on Russian gas and expand the Kremlin’s influence on European politics. The project is supported by Germany, Austria and many other European Union countries.

Washington informed at the end of February that at this stage the US State Department would not decide to impose new sanctions on participants in the Nord Stream 2 project; Only the Fortuna battleship involved in the construction of the pipeline and its owner KWT-Rus were included in the sanctions list.

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According to the MEP, it is clear for now that there will be no new sanctions – as the new US President Joe Biden announced in his campaign – there will be no sanctions.

This is bad news for Poland, for transit countries like Belarus and Ukraine

– Values.

He added that the Germans “want to eat the cake and get it,” meaning they want to avoid responsibility for their decision. He stressed that Germany convinces everyone that it is a commercial project. But in his opinion, it is “a gas that neither Germany nor Europe needs.”

This is a project aimed at converging and implementing a single geopolitical idea – the divided German-Russian idea. It is damaging both Europe and transatlantic society. It weakens NATO and the European Union

– said Sariuz-Volski.

The European Parliament also stressed that the penalty imposed on Russia for the way its authorities dealt with opposition Alexei Navalny would be to halt the implementation of Nord Stream 2.

The only sanction that will impress Russia is the Nord Stream suspension, but neither Germany nor the United States are prepared for that.

– He confirmed.

A bold response from the German government

The German government considers the US sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline an interference in the sovereignty of the European Union and intends to seek dialogue on this issue with the administration of President Joe Biden – says the government’s response to the question of Alliance 90 / The Green Party.

In a document posted on the Bundestag website on Monday, the government said it had held talks “at various levels” with the previous US administration to prevent sanctions from being imposed.

Both the European Union and its member states, as well as the German government bilaterally, will continue to search for avenues for dialogue on this issue, as well as with the new US administration.

The government announced.

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He added that this topic “will be part of the first talks, once the US Senate approves all the persons concerned (on these issues – PAP) from the US side and they formally begin their duties.”

The document indicated that the German government is also talking about sanctions with companies threatened by these restrictions, as it is in contact with US authorities in this regard. However, the government in Berlin refused to disclose its content, citing its secretive nature.

From Berlin’s point of view, it is necessary to impose sanctions on Russia regarding the situation around opposition Alexei Navalny, but the completion of Nord Stream 2 has nothing to do with this.

The question of ending Nord Stream 2 – a project in which more than a hundred European companies participate, is independent of this

We read the government’s response.

According to the document, the German government expects this in June of this year. A court in Düsseldorf will rule on the appeal filed by the gas pipeline operator, Nord Stream 2. The company is appealing against the decision of the German regulator, who did not agree to exclude the gas pipeline from the revised EU gas. Guidance. The court fixed the hearing date for April 21.

The government has informed that it cannot rule out the impact of US sanctions on the MV Climate and Environmental Protection Foundation, which was founded in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and intends to defend the interests of the participants in Nord Stream 2. “Regarding potential sanctions – the statement reads.

The foundation, which was established at the beginning of this year, aims to protect the companies involved in the construction from American retaliation: Through its own company, it will purchase important building materials, such as machines, and make them available to companies involved in further construction. Thanks to this, companies will be legally protected from US sanctions, because they do not purchase goods themselves. The foundation receives 200,000 PLN from the state and Euro and Russia’s Nord Stream 2 AG have reportedly pledged a donation of € 20 million. Later, it may reach 60 million euros.

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Mm / PAP