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analysis team HRE . Investments View the latest accounts of the Central Statistical Office regarding the housing of Europeans. The data show that, although the situation of the Poles has improved (in 19 years there were 7 statistically less square meters per capita), at the current pace we will catch up with the European average in about 20-30 years.

The average living space of the Poles is 29 square meters. Worst statistics only in Romania

There is just over 29 square meters of space for the average Polish citizen. Residential area – according to GUS data. Meanwhile, in the case of an ordinary European, its area is already 40 square meters. HRE Investments notes that only Romania in this respect is worse than Poland – the last data we got from 2012. As in Poland, it is in Lithuania, Bulgaria and Slovenia.

In France, Spain, Latvia, Finland and Italy, the average residential area is already about 40 square meters, while in Denmark it is more than 60 square meters!

12 thousand PLN per square meter in Warsaw.  It was never expensive before12 thousand PLN per square meter in Warsaw. It was never expensive before

Poles spend more and more money to maintain an apartment

As we recently described, Poland ranks eighth among the countries with the highest cost of housing. Eurostat data shows that this type of spending is as high as 25 percent. Poles house budget. A higher percentage was recorded in countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Slovakia, Finland, Switzerland, Denmark and Germany (which ranked first in the ranking with a score of 32%).

As we wrote, according to HRE Investments analysts, the pandemic is responsible for increased expenditures – more and more remote work and the resulting increased energy consumption, as well as increases in garbage and water collection rates. In addition, many Poles decided to carry out the renovation during the pandemic.

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