Michael Beck is an online developer with and shares a lot of engineering skills Channels YouTube with all kinds of technical experiences and achievements. One of his most recent achievements is creating the largest working Nintendo Switch console in history. Sounds crazy? See for yourself what this device looks like:

Based on the registration itself, it can be concluded that, despite the fact that this device does not have any major problems with proper operation It measures approximately 76 x 178 cm and weighs around 30 kg. The controller is not only made of electronic parts, but also of wood and 3D printed objects. In addition, the screen supports 4K resolution.

Pick didn’t keep the equipment himself, but neither did he sell it. He decides to hand it over to St. Jude Children’s Hospital patients, so it’s a commendable gesture. The console itself to ?? It’s a great job.

The Youtuber built the world's largest Nintendo Switch operator.  Supports 4K - Illustration # 1

We invite you to our new channel on YouTube ?? GRYOnline technologyIt is dedicated to issues related to new technologies. There you will find many tips for problems with computers, consoles, smartphones, and game equipment.

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