Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) say ‘long-term COVID’ is more common among people who have required hospitalization, usually manifesting as fatigue, shortness of breath and cognitive impairment. However, they reserve that not everything is known yet and the developed definition may change.

The World Health Organization has clarified the definition of the so-called long Covid (long-COVID), provided that it was developed on the basis of previous observations and may change.

According to this definition, the long term “COVID” often reveals at least one disease within three months of SARS-CoV-2 infection being detected or suspected. It must last for at least two months and cannot be explained by any other disease. Symptoms may appear during the acute form of COVID-19, and then persist, but they are also felt for the first time after recovery.

‘Prolonged COVID illness’ often manifests as fatigue, shortness of breath, and cognitive impairment. However, there may also be chest pain, changes in taste and smell, muscle weakness, and heart palpitations. It is noted that this disease often impedes daily functioning.

Of the research of 270,000 patients, conducted by specialists at the University of Oxford, showed that at least one “prolonged” COVID symptom occurred in 37 percent. COVID-19 patients. It occurs more often in patients who required hospitalization because the course of the disease was more severe. However, prolonged Covid can also occur in people who are less ill. According to Harvard researchers who studied 50,000. Sick, occurs more often in younger people, under 65 years of age.

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Lung problems are a common problem after infection with COVID-19. The study published in The Lancet in China showed that 12 months after leaving hospital, 20-30 percent of them had these symptoms. Patients with a moderate form of the disease, 54 percent. Those who were in critical condition.

In people with coronavirus, chronic diseases such as diabetes and neurological disorders are often first detected. This is indicated by the observations of specialists from Harvard University.

Most symptoms of long-term COVID-19 will go away over time, no matter how severe the infection is. WHO experts warn, however, that some diseases may re-emerge in some people.

Preliminary studies show that the symptoms of so-called long-term COVID-19 can be alleviated by the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. However, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that longer observations are necessary on this matter. (PAP)

Author: Zbigniew Wojtasiński

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