The staff of the University of Warsaw’s School of Archeology, who decided to revitalize the Wojciech Pastuszka Archeowieś blog, intend to circulate archeology reliably, but also lightly and understandably. The first entries have already appeared on it.
As we read in the information sent to Science in Poland, Wojciech Pastuszka in June 2006 founded the blog Archeowieś, which for 10 years was one of the most read blogs on the Internet. After a long hiatus in its performance, the Faculty of Archeology at the University of Warsaw took over its fate.
“It is a great honor for us that we can continue the activity of archaeologists, although we are aware that the standard has been set at a very high level. Nevertheless, we hope that we can get closer to the entire staff team, doctoral students and students of the Faculty of Archeology at the University of Warsaw. To the level of archaeologists from the time Wojciech Bastoska directed the blog and published archeology reliably, but at the same time lightly and intelligibly. We want the blog created by professional archaeologists to be a friendly place for all readers interested in knowing the past ”- write Julia M. Sheila, Meron Bojaki, Arcadiusz Sutsiak.
Sheila told Science in Poland that the selected content will be translated into English. At the moment, it is planned to publish two or two texts per week. These will be original texts about the research of scholars from the University of Warsaw’s School of Archeology, as well as Polish archaeologists from all over the country. Popular scientific translations of scientific articles by foreign researchers will also be published.
The new editors of the blog mention that since the beginning of creation, Archaea has followed the information appearing there with interest.
“We also had the opportunity to spread news about our discoveries. Archaeologists were often the first place where you could read the current research of Polish archaeologists and participate in very active discussions about them. And it is not without reason that Wojciech Pastuszka got twice to popularize archeology: in general 2011 with the Krzysztof Dąbrowski Prize and in 2010 in the Science Popularizer on the PAP website, in cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in 2010, they also noted.
Wojciech Pastuszka made his Facebook domain and profile available for the new editorial team. “The fact that (archaeologists – science in Poland) decided to run a blog under the brand that I created is another very nice and completely unexpected result of my experiment of nearly 15 years,” Pastuszka wrote. He added that he wrote to archaeologists for 10 years in total. But in the end, for financial reasons, he had to dedicate time to other activities.
The Blog Revitalization Project has received financial support from the University of Warsaw as part of the Excellence – Research University initiative, implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science. The constructor of the rebuilding, Dr. Arkadiusz Sołtysiak. Given his research interests, the blog will also include material promoting biological archeology research in the Middle East.
PAP – Science in Poland, Szymon Zdzieśmieowski