Tensions between Russia and Ukraine have risen dangerously in recent days. Recent state services They reported directly about the Russian attack plans. This was also confirmed by US reports that Russia has placed large forces on the Ukrainian border.
as Tell OnetAnd The United States also had to warn the Polish government of a possible attack by Russia on Ukraine, where the conflict on the Polish-Belarus border could be used.
Diplomatic actions are not all the Americans do in order not to abandon an armed conflict in Europe. According to CNN, The Biden administration is considering sending military advisers and new equipment, including weapons, to Ukraine.
US sources said that the package may contain new anti-tank missiles as well as mortars.
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Air defense systems are also considered, a Defense Ministry pushes for some equipment to be sent to Afghanistan – Like the Mi-17 helicopters – he was sent to Ukraine instead. The Mi-17 is a Russian helicopter originally purchased by the United States for donation to the Afghans. The Pentagon is now wondering what to do with them after the United States withdrew from Afghanistan in August.
Americans are only interested in the question of how Russia will receive military support for Ukraine. US military advisors may be sent to Eastern Europe, but not necessarily directly to Ukraine – CNN points out.
US officials are also in talks with European allies to prepare a new sanctions package that will take effect if Russia invades Ukraine.
On Monday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov spoke about the international situation. An ongoing media campaign. We note that Bloomberg Agency is used as a “throw-up” tool, and some American newspapers also participate in it – He said.