The controversy over the Whitehaven coal mine in Cumbria was not over yet, when it was launched again with the launch of the underground open-pit Aberpergwm mine in Wales.

The case for its release is more complicated than that of Cumbria. The government here comes under stronger criticism from environmentalists who cite the UK’s leading role in global decarbonization, while the UK itself encourages coal mining.

Difficulties in implementing the decarbonization program lie in the current tradition of coal mining, which in the nineteenth century was the basis of industrialization in the country. This, however, is not only imitation, but also the natural conditions for the existence of coal. For example, in Wales, there are many welds that have been mined. Coal was mined in this area already in Roman times.

Currently, it is generally unprofitable due to the depleted sediments and their small resources, even below the surface of the earth.

endless quarrel
For several years there has been a social, legal, political and economic dispute over permission to extract hard coal at a mine owned by West Cumbria Mining in West Cumbria. On the part of the UK government and public opinion, opposition to its existence is justified by the decarbonization of the British economy.

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