We can say that the year 2021 in the Polish highway is symbolized by the second number. After two years of reign, Bartosz Zmirzlik was thrown from the throne of world champion and finished second behind Artyom Aguta. The team led by Raffaie Dubroque finished second in the Speedway of Nations, because despite having a ten-point lead after the main round, they lost the final to the host nation – Great Britain. In four copies we got three silvers and we are still waiting for the gold.

Played by Cesare Bazora, the protagonist of Nothing Funny could make a top five with our motorcyclists. Adaś Miauczyński was always second. “I’m still second in my whole life. Even when I was somewhere first, I felt like second, second in 1500, second in polish, second in leg, second in herbarium…” Oh, and on the highway too,.

Regardless of whether the regulations are stupid and unfair targeting the Poles to reduce our dominance, we must learn to lose. Instead of focusing on ourselves, we may often search for alternative topics to justify ourselves. After all, if Janowski had not fallen, he would have made it to the finish line, perhaps at least third in “ahs” and “ohs” there would be no end. The whole discussion of the rules would be nonsense.

As Krzystyniak yells in our pages that we’ve exploded in a balloon, he spat in our face that we’re rocking the world highway and we get nothing from him. Krzysztof Cegielski urges our highway authorities not to stand still by accepting more blows, but to hit the table with their fists. I respect, everyone has the right to express their opinions, and I somehow agree with them, but I will not be too harsh. Why do we not humbly accept what fate has given us? We will not sprinkle ashes on our heads, we are just blaming everything around us. And then we are offended when someone writes that the favorite national sport of Poles is moaning.

We lost all the achievements of the two days in the final. Well, it’s true, but if we’d been wearing British boots for a while we wouldn’t quite be able to do it, but with some canine itch we’d make it to the final and win it, it would be national insanity.

In the GP, for example in 2019, the method of registration has changed. There is no longer any point collection during the competition and the situation in which the winner may receive less output than the contestant from second place. Now there are points for individual places. It is less fair because randomness is promoted. Just crawl to the semi-finals and the fun begins all over again. And that’s average in my opinion, but somehow after Zmarzlik’s title defense, I didn’t hear anyone would be bothered by the new rules.

Our master dealt with offending regulations and new regulations. Of course, he understands that we play SoN at sprint distance, in two days the Grand Prix tournament consists of eleven tournaments and there is an opportunity to correct or compensate for losses.