
Zofia Dąbrowska

President Joe Biden with his wife, Jill
Autor: AP
President Joe Biden with his wife, Jill

A scandal in the United States! As many as 120 retired U.S. generals and admirals wrote an open letter questioning Joe Biden’s mental health. Not only that, the generals claim, the country is turning into a socialist dictatorship. They also repeat famous statements by Donald Trump about the alleged fraud committed during the last presidential election. As a rule, military personnel should be apolitical, so the officers’ gesture caused great emotions. Are they right or have they just been jeopardized?

“The mental and physical condition of the Commander in Chief of the State cannot be ignored. This person must quickly make appropriate decisions upon which national security depends, anywhere, day or night” – reads an excerpt from an open letter written by up to 120 retired generals and admirals From the US Army. In the letter, they questioned Joe Biden’s authenticity. Signatories include John Poindexter, national security adviser to former President Ronald Reagan, and former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense to President George W. Bush, William Gerald Boykin. What is going on? These kinds of comments were made, first of all, because the president was 78 years old, the oldest person to hold that office in US history. The recent fall of the president also raised the steps of Air Force One, Biden’s slow gestures, and the public call for the Russian president to “killer” malicious comments. However, it was never made in this official form. but that is not all.

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According to the generals, the country is turning into a socialist dictatorship. The generals wrote: “Under the rule of the current administration, our country has turned sharply to the left towards socialism and the Marxist form of despotism, and it must be fought by selecting candidates who will always work to defend our constitutional republic.” The country is flooded with illegal immigrants, freedom of expression is restricted, and the chaos and aggressive actions of the extreme left are tolerated on the streets – the officers recall, in the latter case, perhaps referring to the Black Lives Matter movement, which has in fact led to numerous riots and property destruction. However, they did not mention the far-right attack on the Capitol. Instead, they repeated accusations of irregularities allegedly committed during the recent US presidential election. The generals’ message sparked an extreme reaction. Some support their actions, others are disgusted, because the generals have to be apolitical in principle and see the message as part of Donald Trump’s future election campaign.

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