This is an amazing find – the oldest star seen in space. NASA’s Hubble Telescope has discovered a massive star that is 12.9 billion years old. Behind this remarkable discovery is a team of scientists from the Max Planck Institute in Germany. The starlight, nicknamed the Earendel or “morning star,” formed when the universe was 900 million years old. The team explained that it is likely to be millions of times brighter than the Sun, making it not only one of the oldest stars ever discovered, but also the brightest. The distance from Earth made Earndel not easy to monitor. NASA’s Hubble Telescope has broken the record for observational distance here. Plus billions of light-years away. The team at the Max Planck Institute in Germany was able to detect the dim light of the star thanks to a group of galaxies located between it and Earth, creating a powerful natural magnifying glass for the objects that lie behind it. “It’s a bit like finding an old picture of your great-great-grandparents,” said Dr. Selma de Mink of the Institute of Astrophysics. Max Planck in Germany. German scientists concluded that “these stars are basically” our stellar ancestors, we are made up of the once-produced elements. Now we will have the opportunity to see how it all began.”
Maria Palmer
"Devoted organizer. Incurable thinker. Explorer. Tv junkie. Travel buff. Troublemaker."
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