British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace revealed Thursday that a fraudster claiming to be Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmyal managed to contact him and ask him some “puzzling questions”. Home Secretary Priti Patel reported a similar incident. After these reports, Denis Szmihal himself published advice on “How to get acquainted with a real Ukrainian.”

“He tried to talk to me today A conman claims to be Ukraine’s prime minister. He asked some awkward questions, and when I became suspicious, I hung up. No amount of Russian misinformation, distortions and dirty tricks can distract from Russia’s human rights violations and illegal invasion of Ukraine. Desperate bid,” Wallace wrote on Twitter.

Shortly thereafter, Priti Patel also tweeted that she got the call this week.

Defense Department sources said Wallace has ordered an immediate investigation into how the incident was allowed to continue.

After both cases were exposed, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denis Shmyhal, published advice on how to identify if an interviewer is impersonating a Ukrainian.

“Secretary Benny Wallace, next time before the interview begins, please ask your (interlocutor) to say the word ‘Balanitia’. Despite all attempts to mislead the Russian The world sees that the truth is on Ukraine’s sideSzmyhal wrote on Twitter.

Palanitia is a type of Ukrainian bread. Ukrainians say that after pronouncing a word, it can be determined whether the interlocutor is a native speaker of the language.

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