At the end of March, 50-year-old Igor Voloboyev left for Ukraine to face the Russian invasion. In an interview with Reuters, he admitted that he himself is of Ukrainian origin. He added that Vladimir Putin’s policy is leading Russia to collapse.

He left for Ukraine in March. Ex-Gazprombank chief confronts Putin’s soldiers

On Saturday, Nexta published a video clip showing the ex-Vice-President of Gazprombank during a shooting practice. Igor Voloboyev fired several shots in the film. After a while, he turns to the viewers.

I work in the “Freedom of Russia” corps. And if you also hate the Putin regime, you want Russia to be free and democratic, join us, he said.

The Ukrainian services created a corps consisting of Russians and Belarusians

The “Free Russia” Corps, also known as “Free Russia”, was formed in April 2022. It is made up of Russians and Belarusians who agreed to fight on Ukraine’s side. Its members are recruited by Ukrainian intelligence.

The symbol of the army is the white, blue and white flag. It alludes to the white, blue and red flag of the Russian Federation.

See also: Military operations in Ukraine. ‘Ukrainian attack can be considered successful’