The first meeting of the Working Group on the Remuneration System and Teachers’ Working Time


Today, June 16 this year. The first meeting of the working group for the system of wages and working time of teachers, which was formed as part of the professional status group for education personnel, was held. Representatives from teachers’ unions, local government unit organizations, the Minister of Education and Science, the Minister of Finance and regional funds and policies participated in the group’s work.

Conference room during the first meeting of the working group on the wage system and working hours for teachers.

Deputy Minister Dariusz Piontkovsky began the discussion by recalling the initial proposal of directions for changes to the wage system and teachers’ working time made by MEiN. Representatives of trade unions and local government units referred to it and made their own proposals, which will now be analyzed in detail.

All members of the group expressed the need to discuss the financing of educational tasks, including financing the costs of the changes discussed at the meeting.

The meeting participants were asked to send by the individual organizations, prior to the next group meeting, their proposals for system solutions in this area and any additional comments on the proposals discussed at the group meeting.

Let us remember that this is the second of three working groups established by the Minister of Education and Science as part of the Education Staff Professional Status Team. The first session was held on Thursday 10 June this year. information about this

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