I am very pleased with your concern about freedom of expression and freedom of the media. I’m glad you’re talking about Pegasus and other devices that the governments of the EU member states have used. Let’s start with Germany. I wonder where you were, dear hypocrites, when a huge scandal broke out in Germany in 2019 – said MEP Dominic Tarcinsky in the European Parliament. The debate about monitoring using Pegasus software began in European Union countries on Wednesday.

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Canadian Citizen Lab claims that at least 65 Catalan dissidents were spied on Pegasus and Candiru. In their opinion, there are many indications…

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The question of surveillance in EU countries using Pegasus is being investigated by the commission of inquiry set up in the European Parliament – and the Presidium is due to meet on Thursday by dissenting senators from the Polish Extraordinary Pegasus Committee.

Senate Pegasus Committee Chairman Marcin Busaki (KO), Vice-Chair Gabriela Morawska Stanica (PPS) and Senator Jacek Bure (Poland 2050) went to Brussels. – We have come for two days, and we will meet with our counterparts from the European Parliament committees to clarify – on a European scale – the Pegasus case, and we will also meet with representatives of the European Commission, Commissioner (for Budget and Administration) Johann Hahn – said Busaki. He added that he hoped these meetings would contribute to a better interpretation of Pegasus’ observation.

Dominic Tarsinski, MEP, spoke on the issue today in the European Parliament.

– Media reports stated: “The FinFisher or FinSpy spyware program was developed in Munich and sold to the police and secret services of many countries, including the German Federal Police.” Where were the hypocrites then? – said the Law and Justice Party politician.

– Where were you in 2019? where were you when Poland’s prime minister was Donald Tusk, And 38 journalists were exploited? – Tarczyński noted during his speech at the European Parliament.

See also: German press: The Social Democratic Party brings shame to Germany

He also addressed MEP Andrej Hallecki. – Perhaps answer Mr. Halicki? Where were you hypocrites? Know the names! You know the journalists who have been intercepted. Everyone knows it, but now you are pointing your finger at Poland and Hungary. What about Germany? What about France? What about Canada? – Request from the European Parliament.

You’re dealing with abortion law in the United States, so you’re dealing with Canada and Mr. (Prime Minister Justin) Trudeau. Don’t be a hypocrite. He stressed that if you want to solve the problem, do not point the finger at Poland, but deal with all of them.

He also indicated “Who was the prime minister during the scandal in Germany?. – Mrs. Merkel. I was shivering in front of Merkel and everyone was silent. No one asked for anything – Tarczyński indicated in the European Parliament.

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