Poland’s economy is recovering from the pandemic crisis “less affected” by the economies of countries that depend largely on tourism and the economy of countries that do not have their own currency – according to the statement issued Friday by a member of the NBP board of directors, Paweł Szałamacha.
On Friday, Szałamacha was a participant in the Ad Hoc Committee on Financial Security at the Polska Wielki Projekt conference.
“We will leave this year (2020 – PAP) a little damaged, but not to the same extent as countries (…) whose economic structure depends to a large extent on whether a few million tourists will come to them,” Szamacha said.
He added that countries whose economy was largely dependent on tourism saw a 10 percent drop. and bigger.
According to Szałamacha, Poland also succumbed to the crisis better because it kept its own currency. He added that countries that do not have their currency “suffer the consequences.”
Szaamacha values that we currently have much greater financial and economic security than we did years ago, and we have benefited from it in the past year.
“Given that some work has been done since 2015, when it is time for trial, 2020 and the pandemic, the Polish state had great opportunities at hand and took advantage of the launch of very ambitious programs to maintain economic activity under the leadership of the Government Parliament, the National Bank of Poland” – confirmed a councilor NBP management. (PAP)
Author: Łukasz Pawłowski
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