You will learn more about the planets of our solar system by watching “Storm Planets. Killer dust” on Saturday, February 26 at 22.00 on Polsat Doku.
in a scientific journal Nature Physics A study has been published showing strong similarities between cyclones of Jupiter and eddies in ocean currents on Earth.
Comparative work was performed by Lia Siegelmann of the University of California, San Diego. found it Storms on Jupiter undergo processes similar to ocean currents on Earth.
The main difference to keep in mind is that Jupiter is a gaseous planet and the Earth’s surface is mostly water. However Both planets follow the same laws of physics And use the same forces and energy sources.
Siegelmann and the research team looked at the captured images Juno probe belonging to NASA. The movements of the currents in hurricanes on Jupiter were almost identical to those observed before, for example, St. Baltic Sea. They were an ‘earth example’. Phytoplankton photos from the Gulf of Bothnia between Finland and Sweden.
Hurricanes did not form near the Earth’s poles due to the rotation of our planet. We cannot say the same about Jupiter – huge storms that have lasted for years are found even in the polar regions.
Further research by scientists will reveal more informationWhy is this happening in this gas giant and what effects can it have on the processes that occur on Earth.
You will learn more about the planets of our solar system by watching “Storm Planets. Killer dust” on Saturday, February 26 at 22.00 on Polsat Doku.