The top six in the 2021 Grand Prix, Artiom Łaguta, Bartosz Zmarzlik, Emil Sajfutdinow, Maciej Janowski, Fredrik Lindgren and Tai Woffinden, retained qualification for next year’s series. Mikel Michaelsen won with a pass to the battle for the world championship as the current European Champion (SEC tournament winner). From the Grand Prix Challenge to this elite series has been promoted: Pawe Przedpełski, Max Fricke and Patryk Dudek.

The bets are supplemented with “all-out cards”, which is the reason for many comments every year. New Promoter Credit – Discovery Sports Events has been granted to: Jason Doyle, Robert Lambert, Leon Madsen, Anders Thomsen and Martin Vaculik. Instead, there were no big surprises. A total of four poles will compete for the world championship next year.

And Russian Artyom Agota will defend the title.

Participants in the Gr . seriesAnd award 2022:

1. Artiom Laguta (MFR)

2 – Bartosz Szmarzlik (Poland)

3 – Emil Sajvutdino (MFR)

4 – Maciej Janowski (Poland)

Friedrich Lindgren (Switzerland)

6 – Ty and Wenden (Great Britain)

7 – Leon Madsen (Denmark)

8 – Max Frick (Australia)

9 – Jason Doyle (Australia)

10 – Robert Lambert (Great Britain)

Anders Thomsen (Denmark)

12 – Martin Vaculik (Slovakia)

13 – Paul Przydebelski (Poland)

14 – Mikkel Michaelsen (Denmark)

15 – Patrick Dudek (Poland)