Matthews Kozanicki
WP SportoweFakty / Eddie Phillips / Luke Becker in the lead
Monday’s tournament was to open the season at Wolverhampton. For the first time in a year and a half, fans could appear in the stands in Great Britain.
However, it was not without problems. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, the start of the competition was delayed – additional maintenance of the track was necessary.
In the end, the conflict began, but after the second heat, the judge ordered the track equalization. There were problems with the surface unlike the direct start.
After a while, the decision to end the competition was announced due to dangerous circuit conditions. At the moment, it is not known whether the conflict will recur on a different date. Until then, Sam Masters and Nick Morris had the running victories.
The next competition at Wolverhampton is scheduled for May 24. On that day Wolverhampton will leave the Premier League match against Belle View aces.
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