In Bridgertons’ case, five books in the series made the New York Times bestseller list, and just one month before the series premiered, “Firefly Lane” jumped into the same ranking, despite its debut in 2008. After the show was released on Netflix, it took over It’s three days to become # 1 in 13 years of its launch in libraries. The influence of the popularity of the program is indisputable.

Harvest Day, the highlight of this year’s Disney + movie

The fate of “Queen’s Gambit” looks pretty similar, for 37 years after its publication it did not make it onto the New York Times list, but three weeks after its Netflix premiere, it remained in the top ten for 11 consecutive weeks. Not without its impact on the popularity of the book “Lupine”, which broke into the top ten rankings on Netflix, causing the book to increase in popularity in countries such as Italy, Spain, the United States, Great Britain and Korea.

Netflix Announces $ 500 Million Investment in South Korea

Since we are with Korea, it is impossible not to dwell on the platform’s plans for strong investments in local content. Over the past five years, the platform has spent up to $ 700 million on its products. I would have had a bigger impression if I hadn’t read first that this year alone, Netflix will be investing up to $ 500 million in series and movies in South Korea. I intentionally gave you this information in that order. Netflix has rented two studios in South Korea and created a new company responsible for all operations. The platform currently has 3.8 million users in South Korea, and from January to November 2020, it managed to increase by 64.2%.

We know when Marvel’s “Loki” will premiere. The series will go into scheduling in June!

Back in the book series, if you regularly wander through bookstores or browse through the offerings of online stores, you will definitely notice that when the series premieres, new editions of serialized books are often sold out. After the results I mentioned, and also thanks to the other information and notes, it can be assumed that some titles will not be a role at all, because viewers (and not only likely) only access the book when the series is published. This is clearly a positive phenomenon, especially when the show is a success, and the series’ stats show that it is.

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