The research team from the Institute of Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Białystok University of Technology, together with partners from Germany and Romania, will implement a project in the field of new biomaterials for applications in dentistry. They received 900,000 for this. zloty.

Scientists from Bialystok will search for biomaterials for dentists

picture: Peter Oramiuk / Bialystok University of Technology

From left: Dr. Isabella Zglobica and Prof. Dr. Hub. M. Krzysztof Jan Korzydlowski

Surface coating and microstructure of functional composite biomaterials in dentistry (SMILE) is the name of the project to be funded by the M-ERA.NET network as part of the M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2021 international competition for projects in the field of materials science and materials engineering.

Its goal is to develop metal-polymer hybrid components for dental applications. The work will start by optimizing the interface by obtaining the microbiology (macro and microstructure) through additive methods, as well as improving the polymer infiltration. An antimicrobial active substance that reduces the formation of biofilms in the oral cavity will be responsible for the further operation of the compound substance produced.

The head of the Polish team is Prof. Doctor Hebb. M. Krzysztof Jan Kurzydłowski from the Institute of Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Białystok University of Technology. One of the project contractors will be Dr. Isabella Zglobica. The union includes, apart from the PB, partners from Germany: Technische Universität Dresden (commander) and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung eV and from Romania: Politehnica din București. According to the rules of the competition, each partner applied to the National Foundation to finance his own project. In the case of a project being implemented by the BUT Mechanical College, the funding unit is the National Science Center.

– The solution developed within the framework of the proposed project can be used in various ways in dentistry. The partners in the SMILE consortium will focus in particular on the manufacture of innovative dental braces using functional materials.
The M-ERA.NET 3 competition announced in March 2021 covered six research areas in materials science and materials engineering: materials science modeling and processing; innovative surfaces, coatings and facades; High Performance Compounds Functional Materials New Strategies for Advanced Material Technologies for Medical Applications; Additive manufacturing materials. 493 applications were submitted in the competition. 70 projects received funding of €69.9 million. Among them, there were six with the participation of Polish researchers, say scientists from Białystok University of Technology.

The objective of M-ERA.NET is to build a strong research environment and strengthen the European economy through the use of innovative materials and materials technologies. The means to achieve it is to coordinate the scientific research and development work that takes place in the Member States. The M-ERA.NET Edition 3 Consortium consists of 50 research funding agencies in 36 countries. In Poland, it is the national science center and national center for research and development.

The budget for the SMILE project is 1,216,000 euros. The amount of co-financing awarded to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at BUT is PLN 898,572. The project will be implemented from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025.