Samsung Galaxy Note 20 5G and Z Flip 5G announced the availability of a pair of new colors in the US starting today. The Note 20 5G is now available in red, while the Z Flip 5G is available in white. Samsung says both colors are produced “in limited quantities”, and there is no difference in specifications or prices between these two models and the original models.

For those following the path, these are the fourth and third colors of the Note 20 5G and the Z Flip 5G, respectively. Note 20 5G is Available now In copper, green and gray, while the Z Flip 5G Available In copper and gray. Although they don’t get the new colors, the Note 20 Ultra Edition is also available in black and white, while the 4G version of the Z Flip is available in black, purple, and gold.

The red Note 20 5G comes with a red S Pen, of course.
Photo: Samsung

Yes, it still folds.
Photo: Samsung

A new Note 20 color has been announced as rumors persist that the range may be discontinued next year. A few respected dropouts indicated Next year may not see the release of a new batch of observations, and last week a report from an outlet in South Korea AjuNews claimed Samsung plans to stop the range. Don’t worry if you’re a fan of the Note’s S Pen. Reports indicate that Samsung is planning to Add support for stylus For the successor to the Galaxy S20 Ultra.

The company says the new colors for the Note 20 5G and Z Flip 5G are available to order from the Samsung online store starting today.