Representatives of the organization themselves reported the action via the Telegram channel, where they published a statement. As they wrote, they succeeded in sabotaging the railroad at point 56 16’44” N 38 12’40.5″ E.

Acts of sabotage in Russia

Maps show that it is a branch of the track near the city of Sergiev Posad in the Moscow region. This railway leads to the military facility – the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. As described by the anarcho-communists, they dismantled the railroad and partially separated the rails.

We emphasize that we are not sure if this was enough to derail the train. But you can say that it was a test vandalism in which we tested its feasibility with the tools used – they write on Telegram.

They dismantled the railway

Representatives of the organization deliberately chose the railway route leading to the military unit, where passenger trains do not operate, in order to avoid casualties. They also made sure that there was an accumulation of military equipment in the place.

The main point of attack was the rails themselves as there are no power line wires at this point, The vehicles are pulled by diesel locomotives. Using an adjustable wrench, they lifted and moved part of the rail, dismantling the rail joint.

“Effective and Safe” method

As they describe, the act of sabotage should be as noticeable as possible so that the train did not have time to brake. In addition, there is also no certainty that a deviation in such a deserted area will enter the media, and we do not have the ability to visually control it. Therefore, it was decided to publish the result of the attack “as is” to share the experience with other fighters.

The method turned out to be very effective and safe, while it is likely to cause significant damage to the Russian armed forces. We recommend everyone to use it – they write on Telegram.

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