The first ladies are constantly monitored by the media, and their actions are judged by the public. They should attach great importance even to the chosen outfit, unfortunately, which can cause a political scandal. What are the most popular clothes for the wives of the presidency? We talked about it on Dzień Dobry TVN.

Melania Trump scandals

Melania Trump just gave her first interview after the last US presidential election. In the article that aired Sunday, May 15 on Fox, she talks about her husband’s politics and critically assesses the state of the country under Joe Biden. In the flurry of this conversation, Sandra Haydock decided to recall the controversial style of the former US First Lady.

– Melania Trump, among others, appeared in the famous jacket from the series, on the back of which was written: “I really don’t care, right?” , meaning “I really don’t care, right?” And let me remind you that it was in this jacket that she went to meet immigrants. It was very noisy and controversial – said the journalist at Dzień Dobry TVN.

Another disastrous design was introduced by Melania while visiting the area where Hurricane Harvey is in 2017. The first lady appeared wearing high heels, which was met with negative results because her clothes seemed inappropriate. A year later, at an important summit meeting, she showed herself in an all-white look, while all the other women wore dark colors in support of the #MeToo movement.

The first design for women

The last design also deserves attention Jill Biden who appeared Blue attire with sunflower, referring to the situation in Ukraine. In this way, the First Lady of the United States wanted to show that she is not indifferent to the fate of our eastern neighbors and that she stands in solidarity with them. A favorite example of first lady Sandra Haydock’s political creativity is appearance Francis Cleveland From the end of the nineteenth century. At the time, the first lady of the United States and wife of President Grover Cleveland, posed for pictures with bare shoulders and neckline.

It was unimaginable back then – and it isn’t today. (…) At that time, a petition was written to the president that 21-year-old Frances should not be the first lady – Sandra Haydock revealed on our show.

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Main image source: Good morning TVN