Glasgow City Council requires residents who live in Pollockshields and Dalmarnock to make a decision Covid-19 Test to “help save lives and take Glasgow out of current Level 4 restrictions”.
The board They confirmed that they chose both areas as part of their comprehensive experimental scheme for asymptomatic community-based testing due to “ above average rates of Covid disease. ”
The council says that if they can understand why infection rates are higher in both regions than anywhere else, it will help them take measures to lower infection rates across the city.
They tweeted: “We’re asking people at Dalmarnock and Pollokshields to take a fast and free Covid 19 test to help save lives and get Glasgow out of Level 4 restrictions. People without symptoms can carry the virus without knowing it.”
Pilot mobile test centers have been set up in Pollockshields in a large parking lot on Albert Drive, opposite the Tramway Theater and in the Emirates Arena car park for people to take a free test.
The council only wants people who No symptoms of Covid-19 ever appear to be tested, with anyone with any of the major Covid-19 symptoms such as a fever (high temperature), a new persistent cough or loss of taste and / or smell, being asked to book instead of It’s tested by the NHS.
The centers will be open from 9am to 6pm daily, tomorrow through December 9.
Residents can book the test Here