– So far, soldiers of the Polish army have erected a temporary fence of more than 180 km, which effectively impedes attempts to impose illegal border crossing – the Ministry of National Defense announced on Friday. The Ministry of Defense provided information on the construction of the dam on Twitter.

The head of the Ministry of National Defense, Mariusz Bosachak, said on Wednesday (10/11), that there are now 15,000 people at the border. Polish army soldiers. – This number of soldiers has been increased. Of course, it can be increased further as needed. There are Polish border guards and police. Services are prepared to ensure the security of our homeland – the head of the Ministry of National Defense emphasized. “We are ready to repel the attack” when the migrants cross the Polish-Belarusian border, he added. – The services are ready to repel such an attack – added Minister Blashchak.

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– British engineering forces began reconnaissance on the establishment of cooperation with Polish soldiers in strengthening the fence on the Polish-Belarus border – said the head of the Ministry of National Defense, Mariusz Poszak. The reconnaissance began before the British engineering forces were supported. Our soldiers will cooperate in strengthening the fence on the Polish-Belarusian border. After the survey is over, we’ll let you know the details – Błaszczak wrote on Twitter on Friday.

According to the information received by the PAP from the Ministry of Defense, the British, as part of the reconnaissance in Poland, should determine the specific scope of activities that they will take in support of the Poles in the event of a migration crisis at the border with Belarus. . Details of the survey – and thus the extent of the support they will give us – will be announced next week. As the PAP heard in the Ministry of Defense, the intent of their actions is to be “an expression of the solidarity of the allies.”

– On the Belarusian side, preparations are underway to create a large camp for migrants on the border with Poland. On Friday (12/11) the Ministry of Interior and Administration announced via Twitter, that the Belarusian services are providing the necessary materials. The ministry also released a video showing vehicles moving around the camp near the Polish border. You can also see many migrants, tents and smoke from the fire.

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This is the camp area south of Konica, where migrants have been camping on the Belarusian side since Monday, Mikhailo Tokarchik, Ensign of the Border Guard, of the Press Department of the Border Guard Headquarters, explained. Belarusian services provide, for example, firewood and food. On Friday, the number of Bedouins rose to a thousand. In the morning they were joined by another group of immigrants who got there through the crossing on the Belarusian side.

– On the morning of Friday, November 12, migrants crossed the border crossing in Konica on the Belarusian side – the Ministry of National Defense announced on Friday and published the video. The ministry added that the Polish army, border guards and police were arrested.

The Ministry of National Defense attached a film to the entrance. It shows a large group of people running straight through the border crossing, behind the fence separating the Polish side. Migrants run along the fence in front of which Polish officers stand.

– On Thursday night, we noticed the use of a green laser by the Belarusian services. We assume these were attempts to blind our officers and soldiers patrolling the border – the Border Patrol wrote Friday on Twitter. The border guards attached a company to the entrance, which shows, as at night, the sending of laser beams to the Polish officers from a moving vehicle on the Belarusian side of the fence.

– Migrants are provided by Belarus on an ongoing basis – Stanisław Sarin, spokesperson for the Coordinating Minister of Secret Services wrote on Twitter on Friday. He added that they are even receiving equipment to destroy security and build a camp. Pictures are attached to the entries.

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The photos show, among other things, food and gas for the burners used to heat food. One of the photos shows a group of people with a barrel of water behind them. Pictures with the caption: – Immigrants are provided by Belarus on an ongoing basis.

Another entry on Twitter, Stanisław Żaryn, is about items going to immigrants. – They even receive equipment to destroy security and build a camp – wrote a spokesman for the Minister Coordinator of Secret Services. The attached photos show men with axes and people in uniform holding tongs for cutting metal.

Since the beginning of 2021, the border guards have recorded nearly 33,000. Attempts to illegally cross the Polish-Belarusian border, which number almost 4.4 thousand. In November, approximately 17.3 thousand. In October, approximately 7.7 thousand. In September, more than 3.5 thousand. in August.

On Monday (8/11) a large group of migrants crossed the Belarusian side towards the border with Poland. Migrants gathered near Kuźnica. The Ministry of National Defense reported that day that the Ministry of Interior and Administration and the soldiers were able to stop the first mass attempt to cross the border. The emigrants set up a camp in the Kuźnica region, guarded by the Belarusian services. In the following days, there were more attempts to cross the border by groups of immigrants, thwarted by Polish services.

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From September 2, due to immigration pressure in the border region with Belarus at 183 locations in the district, a state of emergency applies in the Podlasie and Lublin regions. It was introduced for 30 days by decree of President Andrei Duda, issued at the request of the Cabinet. Sim agreed to extend the state of emergency for another 60 days.

By the middle of next year, a steel fence will be erected on the border with Belarus, topped with barbed wire and enriched with electronic devices. The dam will be built along the border with Belarus with a length of 180 km in Podlassy. The Bug River is a natural dam in the Lublin region. In total, the height of the dam will be 5.5 meters. Along the border, motion sensors as well as day and night cameras will be installed.

RL / PAP / opr. Toma

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