Land cover map of Poland created. Prepared on the basis of images taken from the Sentinel-2 satellite recorded in 2020. The map has a spatial resolution of 10 meters, and was set up automatically using machine learning, according to the Polish Space Agency.

The processing is based on a series of images recorded from April 1 to September 30, 2020, when the cloud cover was less than 20%. Map is available On the Geoportal website – Informs the Polish Space Agency in a statement sent to PAP on Thursday. The map was commissioned by POLSA.

Thanks to the map, it will be possible to update existing databases and monitor changes occurring in the field, including monitoring of cities, road infrastructure, forest areas, water reservoirs, etc.

The displayed map covering the entire territory of Poland was created by combining 49 scenes and ‘chunks’ along the country’s borders. Each scene is based on a minimum of 10 images.

The land cover map is available as a separate layer on the Poland map on the Geoportal portal – named “Land Cover Classification 2020” The new layer is disabled by default, to enable it, expand the “Other organization data” group in the layer tree, then the “Polish Agency” “Cosmic” subgroup.

PAP – Science in Poland

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