March 8, 2022, 5:54 pm
Thanks to an entry on the official PlayStation Blog, we’ve learned that the next episode of State of Play will air tomorrow. However, it is unknown what titles will appear during the show.
Posted today on the official PlayStation Blog Entry say that The next part of the State of Play series will air tomorrow at 23:00 Poland time. We can watch broadcasts via websites Youtube And the Twitch.
The show will last about 20 minutes. However, Sony was skeptical about what exactly will be offered. It is only known that the core of the broadcast will be games from Japanese publishers. Of course, there will also be jobs from developers from other regions of the world.
Wednesday’s show is a contrast to its predecessors obstacleunder which Sony would have moved the state of play due to the situation in the world.
It is worth bearing in mind that the account As mentioned recently foresbook will be postponed. This fact was announced at the next Sony event. Although Luminous Productions already announced a release delay yesterday, there is still a chance to receive new information about the game tomorrow in State of Play.