“The failure is that Trump remained the same. He did not change his character and did not calm down. He got out of this terrible dilution.” Professor WPolityce.pl says in an interview with wPolityce.pl: The first success is that Trump has proven that you can successfully oppose the revolutionaries by election. Marek Jan Chudakevich From the World Policy Institute in Washington.

Also read: Joe Biden sent a message to Andrzej Duda: “We count on cooperation with you and the Polish government in dealing with the problems.”

wPolityce.pl: What will the United States look like under Joe Biden, or maybe I should ask Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? It seems that Mrs. Vice President Democrats have the greatest hopes. What will definitely change in domestic and foreign policy compared to Trump’s rule, and what changes are there?

a. Marek Jan Chudakevic: First of all, there will be a country spread. Biden will try to “fix” everything from the top. The worst for the economy will be the “Green New Deal,” meaning a green vision of alternative energy, which is not enough to fill the modern economy. There will also be an orgy of political correctness. On the legislative front, any religious belief contrary to postmodernism will be criminalized by Congress as “hate speech.” This applies to moral matters and the sexual revolution. There will be an endless parade of gay and transgender victory at the federal level, which will have an even greater impact statewide, for which Washington receives massive funding for these reasons. The racial and sexual revolution will continue with the main goal of white men of heterosexual Christian faith. But the hate will focus on any normal person, such as wives, sisters, or mothers who stand up for normal men. And for everyone who does not buy the revolution. Some African American feminist circles, for example, acknowledge that black men are white, as they are alleged to represent the oppressive patriarchy. There are big countercultural changes in the public schools. Ba! He will begin to indoctrinate preschool children.

What do these changes mean for Poland? Will cooperation between countries be so entrenched that the new US administration will continue it?

Sure, it will continue, but the Poles will face circumstances. Waivers will be expected every time. Hence, it is very important that Warsaw not break and agree to anything. I negotiated hard or avoided signing anything, if the State Department cannot avoid such things, they should not be ratified in the House of Representatives. You have to slow down all attempts to impose unpleasant solutions on Vistula, you have to wait 4 years of quality. Pretend to be a cooperative nature all the time. With a big smile.

How do you view the Trump presidency – what promises he has been able to fulfill and what should be considered a failure? What did he lose in the elections?

The failure is that Trump has stayed the same. He did not change his character and did not calm down. And it came out of this terrible relief. The main success is that Trump has demonstrated that you can successfully electively oppose the revolutionaries. Additionally, his most significant achievement is the nomination and approval of conservative judges on the Supreme Court. He managed to keep other matters, such as illegal immigration, in the public debate. Liberal elites fail to dictate that this is normal. Trump also tried to oppose China’s dominance. He wasn’t very good at it, but – again – at least, he started. It would be possible to continue.

Trump talks about the most corrupt election in US history. Do you imagine that he will lead the Republicans and fight for the presidency after 4 years?

I do not expect and hope it will not happen. Time for someone else. Senator Tom Cotton is my candidate within 4 years. Nevertheless, I hope Trump establishes a media empire and promotes an alternative – to the left – a populist and nationalist narrative.

America is said to be the most divided in decades. These are just rhetorical figures that appear in every election, is there really something to be done?

No. In fact, the nation is divided differently. It is said that 1 per cent. They are billionaire revolutionaries and their servants are supported by the proletariat lamenting social welfare. And the middle class stands against them. This is a rather shallow analysis. There is also a lot of middle class among Democratic voters, but they are stunned at political correctness. They often don’t understand what’s going on. For example, many of them support sympathy for the Black Lives Matter, not knowing that the leadership of this organization is Marxist and revolutionary. On the one hand, the other side understands what is going on, but has different analyzes of the challenges we face: from classic liberalism and conservatism to white extreme nationalism. Nota bene, this is reflected in the twisted mirror of the elemental portion of BLM and Antifa. All of these trends seek to destroy the United States and establish a new state or a new political and social entity.

Interview with Krzysztof Bałękowski