The government is also studying Further reduction of the cap for unvaccinated persons. This week, the House of Representatives will deal with the compensation fund and possibly the law that allows verification of vaccinations in employees as well as clients such as movie theaters, hotels or stadiums.
In Program 1 of Polish Radio, Radosław Fogiel, deputy official of the PiS, was associated with the request for compulsory vaccinations against COVID-19 for such professional groups, such as the health service, the army or the police. “Here at least There is room for conversation, it seems to me that, for example, when it comes to the health service, you can talk about it– The Deputy Spokesman for the Law and Justice Party replied.
He said that doctors are people who, on the one hand, depend on the overall functioning of the health care system, and on the other hand, often deal with people with reduced immunity.
Vogel stated that the left project exists Compulsory mass vaccination He is “Too radical, too far-reaching, leaves no room for compromise.”
“At the same time, it completely ignores the illegal premises, i.e., which do not result from the act itself, but even the social premises that exist in our country, and this cannot be ignored if Do not want to lead to a major social crisis, to massive protestsVogel said.
He stated that “you can be perfect, but you also have to be in touch with reality and simply know how things work in our country.”
On Monday, the Left Party introduced a bill providing for, among other things, the introduction of the obligation to vaccinate, restrictions on non-vaccinators, the possibility of verification of coronavirus certificates by workplaces and the right of employees to refuse to perform their duties in a situation where epidemiological safety is not guaranteed in Workplace.
Health Minister Adam Nidzelsky said Friday in Polsat News that People should have the right to choose vaccination, but certain groups should be vaccinated compulsorily. He pointed out that such a commitment could apply to doctors, teachers and regular services