Sebastian Stasiak finished seventh in the recent Futsal World Cup competition that ended today in Sofia. Ukasz Gutkowski was in seventeenth, and the winner from Great Britain was Joseph Chung.

Stasiac got his start with a score of 2: 07.45 in the pool, which is the 18th time of the day. Pole performed himself better in the dueling plan, scoring a 19:16 balance, giving him the ninth place. He made a clean run of the park, losing 1 point for overstaying the time limit. As a result, the laser race began in sixth place, with a half-minute loss, ahead of leaders Ilya Balazkov of Belarus and Joseph Chung. However, during this last competition, he allowed himself to be outdone by a competitor and finished seventh at the end.

The second pole, Łukasz Gutkowski, scored slightly weaker. In the pool he was a little slower than his friend – a score of 2: 08.75, his score in dueling was 15:20, and he also won two matches in the bonus round. Exceeding the permissible limit in the park by 2 seconds, without subsidence. He did well in the group that finished the competition, which he started at 22nd, and cut the finish five places higher.

Balazkov and Chung competed to win all the time. The Briton was the best in the pool (2: 01.05), and the Belarusian would win the duel with a score of 27: 8. In the garden, Chung walked clean, and Balazkov had one drop. They took off the runway with gunfire almost simultaneously, but the British won a safe advantage. Magryan competed for third place – Robert Kasza and Bens Cardos, in the end the first turned out to be a little better.

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1- Joseph Chung (United Kingdom)
2 – Ilya Balazkov (Belarus)
3 – Robert Kassa (Hungary)

4 – Pence Cardos (Hungary)
5 – Andrei Sveshota (Czech Republic)

6 John Wongtai (South Korea)
7 – Sebastian Stasiak (Poland)
8 – Richard Berezky (Hungary)


17 Lukas Gutkowski (Poland)

Bartosh Zafran

For many years he has been actively involved in sports as a runner, professionally as a judge and doctor, and as a hobby writer for ig24, here now. Moreover, a good book lover who will try writing about reading.