Are Catinum reactors affected by corrosion like five other French reactors where corrosion has been observed?“- Luxembourg Energy Minister Claude Turmes asked during the talks in Amiens, which took place from Thursday to Saturday in Amiens (20-22 January 2022).

This is yet another expression of concern about the situation of the French nuclear power plants. According to Agence France-Presse (AFP), in Last week, Turmus and Environment Minister Carol Deschburg They sent a letter to the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) asking for clarification on the situation.


The Polish news agency reported that the Penly reactor located in Normandy belongs to a group of 1,300 MW reactors of the same generation as in Cattenom. Experts warn that it shows erosion.

See also: Nuclear power plant in Poland. Soboń: By 2040 at the latest

A few days ago, Bernard Dorochuk, president of ASN, deemed the problem “serious.” It may not only concern individual power plants. “It may be generic in nature– said the head of the Office of Nuclear Safety, which means that it may be applied to the entire group of reactors.


Will they close nuclear reactors in France?

EDF has announced that it will review documents from previous inspections of nuclear power plants by the end of January. Further steps depend on the results of the reviews.

AFP advises that if corrosion is suspected, reactors may need to be physically inspected and then repaired depending on the survey results. It may be necessary to shut down the reactors.


Luxembourg has been demanding the closure of Cattenom headquarters for years. Already in 2016, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel expressed his concerns that a possible failure at the headquarters would not even threaten security, but the very existence of the state – Gives a PAP.


