Punished students took hidden pictures during class and distance learning lessons. Then they posted it on the Internet, accompanied by “insults, insults and sexual innuendos” – explained Raffaella Corretti, the director of the Caraglio gym, who imposed the collective punishment. Students were dismissed but required to attend classes.
Some admitted guilt, others denied it. Many admitted that they saw these photos. It’s bittersweet that no one wants to stop this chain and notify parents or teachers about it.
Italian The media reported that the principal of the school sent a long letter to the parents of the sanctioned middle school students and encouraged them to think about the lack of respect shown by the youth. At the same time, she noted that in most countries in Europe, the requirement to create an account on social media is the age of 16, while in Italy it is 14, and under this age, the consent of parents is required, who at the same time take full responsibility.
Some of the uploaded and posted images are so offensive that parents of affected students and teachers will consider legal action.
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Source: Door
Date created: June 12, 2021, 06:33