In an apostolic letter in & nbspformie motu Proprio published in the Vatican with the title “Spiritus Domini”, the Pope Francis Changes were made to the Code of Canon Law. So far, only men have been accepted into the Department of Assistants and Lecturers. From now on, women can also perform these functions.
The Vatican asserted that it is not new that women read the Word of God during liturgical celebrations Or the girls were altar during the Eucharist. “In many societies around the world this is a practice approved by the bishops” – & nbsp read.
In recent years, an ideological development has taken place that has highlighted the way in which some of the services instituted by the church are based on the common standing of the baptized and on belonging to the royal priesthood received in the sacrament of baptism. It differs fundamentally from the priestly service received with the Eucharist. Established practice in the Latin Church asserts that secular service based on the sacrament of baptism can be entrusted to all male or female believers, according to this, which is already tacitly provided in & nbspkanon 230 – Pope Francis wrote in Justification.
After the amendment, the ruling reads as follows: “The laity in terms of age and the qualities defined by the decree of the Episcopal Synod may be permanently accepted into the reader and nbspacolity according to the liturgical rites prescribed, but the granting of these services does not give them the right to support or remuneration from the Church.”
The Vatican states that the decision does not mean To ordain women priests.
Language and Assistant Service
The teachers in the church are busy reading the word of God during the liturgy. An assistant is a lay person who assists a priest in performing the liturgy. He may, for example, carry a cross during processions or offer liturgical books.
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