aptly Series Heroes of Might and Magic I don’t think you need to introduce anyone to the legendary at that time trjkBeing one of the best turn-based strategies of all time? So her biggest fans should be pleased to hear that Just announced Planszwk Heroes of Might and Magic III From the Polish publishing house Archon studio. The project will go to Kickstarter next November. According to the official Pages games, the gameplay should be very similar to what we know from the digital prototype:

The game starts with just knowing what is going on around your city. What lies behind it has yet to be discovered. As you travel, you will enter hexagonal tiles that represent the world you are moving in.

The game carefully designed statues depicting the original units, and is responsible for their card images Ian Vengirova An artist that Herosw fans adore. We will start the game by choosing one of three starting cities, two of which have been revealed at the moment: Inferno and Castle. Qadi will present two champions. In addition, players are waiting for dozens of artifacts to collect, dozens of units to recruit, and four schools of magic to decompose.

As the game progresses, you may learn new skills or improve existing ones. Where other helicopters see opportunities, the master of necromancy sees opportunities!

The studio has already funded 13 other conversions of a painting from famous brands (Such as defects of the universe if Wolfenstein), so he has a lot of experience in this profession. So it seems like a long time fan of the series Champions can sleep peacefully.