The new Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Poland was inaugurated on Monday in Cardiff, the capital of Wales. Wales was hitherto the only component of the United Kingdom that did not have a Polish consulate.

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The official opening ceremony of the new Consulate at Cardiff Castle took place with the participation of Polish Ambassador Arkady Rzegoki, First Minister of Wales Mark Drakeford, Cardiff Mayor Rod McKerlich and representatives of the Polish community. Surgeon Prof. Keshav Senegal.

– It is very important to open the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Cardiff, because it is the only country that is part of the United Kingdom where we have not had an Honorary Consulate or Consulate General of the Republic of Poland until now. This new office will help Polish citizens who for some reason are unable to reach the Consulate in Manchester or the Consular Section in London, It will strengthen Polish-Welsh relations. It is also an acknowledgment of the large presence of Poles in Wales and the activities of the Professor. Keshava Singhal in order to promote Poland in this part of the UK – said Arkady Rzegocki.

global relations

– As a nation confident from the outside, we want to strengthen our global relations; I welcome the establishment of a Polish Consulate in Wales and the appointment of Professor Singhal as Honorary Consul. Wally Poland and Poland have many bonds in common, and the Polish community in Wales makes a positive and valuable contribution to our society – said Mark Drakeford.

This is the second Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Poland that has been opened in the past two weeks. In mid-June, such a facility was opened in Trowbridge in southwest England.

During his visit to Wales, Ambassador Rzegoki met with First Minister Drakeford, Economy Minister Vaughan Gething, Mayor of Cardiff and representatives from the Welsh FinTech sector. The ambassador also commended the Polish armed forces by laying wreaths at their memorial and the graves of the Polish pilots.

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