Under British aviation law, there must be at least one cabin crew member for every 50 seats on an aircraft, The Independent reports. He adds that the last row of seats will not be available on planes.

Boeing 737-83NThe Boeing owner checked in. He will pay 26 thousand. PLN for parking

Britain suffers from a shortage of flight crew. Hundreds of flights have been cancelled

easyJet, the UK’s largest low-cost airline, has 126 Airbus A319s in its fleet. About 60 of them fly from Great Britain and the number of seats on these planes will be limited, according to The Independent.

The BBC adds that EasyJet’s decision is in response to a shortage of aviation workers across the UK. Airlines, including national carrier British Airways, have been facing a labor shortage since Easter as demand for travel soared as it lifted all restrictions it had previously imposed due to the pandemic. COVID-19 – Explain the station.

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British Airways and EasyJet had to cancel hundreds in April flightsAs the number of coronavirus infections in the UK increased again, and due to several sick leave, it was not possible to complete the full crew needed to make these connections, BBC reports.

Currently, airlines are hiring the new staff, but, according to forecasts of experts, the problems of the shortage of flight crew will continue for the next year, the station predicts. (PAP)

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