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Will we pay higher taxes? “I am convinced the government is considering it.”

Janet Yellen made the proposal for a global floor tax CIT During the speech Monday (April 5). Arguments have also been made for the introduction of a flat rate for ICT, in the hope that the idea will be accepted by the world’s largest economies.

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Janet Yellen: The global ICT floor will end competition between countries

US Treasury Secretary believedAdopting a global minimum corporate tax would allow, inter alia, to end the competition to continually lower the tax rate in order to attract companies. The global ICT floor is also seen as a way to dissuade companies from migrating from them United States of America.

Janet Yellen said that governments should have stable tax systems that provide sufficient income to invest in basic public goods. In her view, cooperation between countries is needed “to end the pressure of tax competition and the erosion of the corporate tax base”.

Joe Biden, President of the United StatesMedia: The United States is close to the highest tax increase for the wealthy in decades

US President Joe Biden wants to pay the corporate tax rate

In 2017, the then president United States of America Donald Trump Dramatically lowering the corporate income tax rate from 35%. Up to 21 percent now, new President Joe Biden has proposed raising the stake tax Reaching 28 percent would allow increased tax within 15 years to fully cover the costs of modernizing infrastructure in the United States, estimated at more than $ 2 trillion. Dollars.

Joe Biden confirmed on Monday (April 5) An increase in the corporate tax rate will not weaken the US economy, which is recovering from the crisis after the Coronavirus pandemic. – There is no evidence for that. We have 51 or 52 Fortune companies 500That hasn’t paid a single cent of tax in three years.