The Renaissance can be counted on, along with the centrists of the modem and the center-right of Horizons 28 percent of the votesa little forward Left block nupes Under the leadership of Untamed France (LFI) Jean-Luc Melenchonawho received support in the study 27 percent of voters. Nupes combine LFI, Greens, Socialists and Communists. In the last presidential election, Melenchon came third behind Macron I Marine Le Pen.

See also: elections in France. consequences. Marine Le Pen: I will never give up, I will never leave politics

The National Union Le Pen scored in a poll 21 percent validationa Eric Zemmour’s hand recapture – 6 percent

The survey was conducted from 12 to 19 May on a representative sample of 11,247 French adults.

Parliamentary elections in France will be held in two rounds on June 12 and 19.

A week ago, President Macron appointed Elizabeth Bourne as prime minister, and on Friday the Elysee Palace unveiled the new government. The first meeting of the new cabinet will be held on Monday.