April 22, 2021, 9:30 pm

The next 13 games will take advantage of the FPS Boost option on the Xbox Series X / S consoles. This time it was a product of Electronic Arts.

A month ago, FPS Boost was supported Acquired Five Bethesda Productions. Now, you’ll be joined by this group of up to 13 games published by Electronic Arts. Updating these titles will allow them to run at twice the number of frames per second compared to the original. Among them there is a series of production battlefieldAnd the The Fall of Titan I Star Wars: Battlefront. Moreover, 12 of them operate at a refresh rate of 120 Hz. The only exception to this rule is Sea of ​​Solitude (60 Hz).

FPS Boost is optional. Its operation allows you to double the smoothness of the games you use. Thus, in some cases it will be possible to obtain a result of up to 120 fps. It’s worth noting, however, that using FPS Boost in a portion of production is associated with reduced resolution.

The complete list of Electronic Arts titles that support FPS Boost: